e X o t a k e
For growing companies
Latin America and beyond
eXotake is your channel partner for Latin America
Business development
Business development is the cornerstone of opening a new market.
It is a well articulated phase of market and relationship development,
to give youa profound understanding of trends, the appeal factor, the suitability
of your solution,both form a technical and commercial viewpoint.
We offer business development as a two way channel , giving you the all important measures of the market and letting the market itself feed back to your team the needs
for any and all kind of adjustments your approach need to implement
to become a successful one.
A GO decision was made to penetrate a new market .
A continually revised basis is the opportunity cost assessment coupled with
the sizing of the necessary investment to develop the business.
Our key contribution is the local perspective on both points and the frequency of revision that we offer.
Your company might have an existing footprint it wishes to expand ,in adjacent markets or with complementary solutions.
The scope of work included in Business Development includes the assessment of marketability .
Developing your business in foreign markets means :
directly assessing potential demand volumes
clearly mapping opportunities ( by talking to the decision makers)
gaining awareness of the growth potential
fitting your proposal with trusted local technology partners
frequenting local events and trade fairs
performing S.W.O.T. analysis
determining and reassessing all the technological risks ,frequently
feeding back all assessment results to your product management team
recommending local initiatives for tax credits and development incentives
eXotake, as your business partner, will design a comprehensive business development service agreement, in the mode that you select, specifying these actions very clearly.
You can count on the following minimum set of deliverables if you choose to develop business through eXotake (applicable to time -based and task-based modes):
segments of opportunities identified and reported in ZoHo
contacts ,roles identified , reported to you
possible Integrators and desired technology partners qualified and selected locally
dashboard reporting ( based on MS PowerBI)